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Heavy or Hardline Opinions
(next 2 pages)

My Arguments and Debate

I've learned a few things over the years. I'm like George Carlin. I like to pick on the usage of certain words people use in everyday life. I have muscular dystrophy, and I don't like MDA's terms of endearment for us who have disabilities. The phrase I dislike the most is being "confined to a wheelchair". What idiot could invent such a phrase? I'm not confined to anything, just my head, man! I just so happen to drive a wheelchair, so as not to be confined. Read the dictionary please. Don't get me wrong. I just have to give the word, confined, a hard time. It's a very confining word :-)

Its just that my muscles seem to be disappearing due to a genetic deficiency. I'm not sick or anything like that (last I checked:-) , and my wheelchair is a means of escaping my physical prison.

IMHO, the little button above these words tell you what a wheelchair is not. As far as people being afraid of wheelchairs, it could be because the typical wheelchair was designed in the 18th century and looks clunky. Wheelchairs have not evolved much. I can't wait until we see flying wheelchairs. The future will be so sublime. I once read an article that told about Jerry Lewis having to use a wheelchair while being treated for something, and commented how terrible it was to be in a wheelchair. I don't subscribe to that point of view. Not sure he gave it a fair trial. It isn't so bad if you need one and get to have that nice advanced one.

There is a wheelchair in the making called Freedom 3000, and it:

1) Climbs stairs, 2) drives great through woods, beaches and snow, 3) automatically balances on two wheels so you can reach that jar on the top shelf, or see over heads at the Ozzy Osbourne concert.

Ever stop and think?
They always sell these products for women and advertise them.  For example, Vagisil powder for feminine itching? What is that?  What is used if you get masculine itching?  Would it be called Penisil?  I bet you can't find that at a drug store. Maybe something conservative like Dr Scholl's for jock itch.  Now is that from wearing a jockstrap?  I'm no athlete and have never had jock itch.


On Government Assisted Suicide? I think the words of Conor can pretty much sum that up. This is what he wrote to a few of us on the MD-List, last August (1996):

"You may not need psychological or crisis intervention, but other people may. I believe that all people who feel they want to end their life need some psychological intervention or counseling. Why is 'disabled euthanasia' a very personal choice and - 'non disabled euthanasia' (suicide) not OK? We'll do our best to stop an able-bodied person from committing suicide, but disabled  people have a choice.

In my opinion (no apologies given) choosing to die is not a rational  judgment. How do I know what's after death is better than what I'm experiencing now? If I believe in God, how can I take the life he's given me? If there's no God, how can oblivion be better than life?  If the reason for wanting to die is medical i.e. too much pain or discomfort, than maybe they should be allowed to end their lives. BUT the case of Dave Rivlin described in the post doesn't involve pain, the problems leading to his  wish to die were attitudes and his lack of rights where he was living. In another area perhaps he wouldn't want to die. Would Kevorkian let an able-bodied person use his "suicide machine", if they showed their life had 'no meaning' due to unemployment, lack of access to education, drug abuse or being in prison? I don't think so. Why are disabled people so different? We look for equality all the time. It's time we realised our lives have equal value".

Conor O'Reilly

 June 22, 1975 - January 21, 1997
(he died of natural causes associated with duchenne muscular dystrophy)

  Now if the government would let us work and make money like an able-bodied human (yes that species:-), I think we would have given Kevorkian a life sentence, or even death row, long ago. Asking someone to kill you is exactly what it sounds like, murder. Having a disability is no excuse to die. Use that mass between the ears you were born with, to retrain and rethink. Even able-bodied people can tell you, life is not easy. That is why we are alive; to overcome death. Everyone on earth generally lives a short life, as compared to the age of the universe. Unless you have a solid reason, why shorten your life?

Deadly infamous words of Jack K: "The voluntary self elimination of individuals and mortally diseased or crippled lives can only enhance the preservation of public health and welfare." 

Now if you have no respect for President Bill Clinton, remember this; he is against suicide and genocide. If suicide is legalized, the road to genocide will surely get paved. HMO's are already hurting people, by not allowing patients/clients to sue them for their wrongdoings, including violations of the patient bill of rights. For them to not be held accountable seems very irresponsible. President George W Bush is not helping much in the matter. His idea of Social Security reform is: "you can't retire, get back to work!"

wb:m-t-s and c-o
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